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Esti Rágák – Indiai klasszikus zene szitárral és tablával

Posted on: October 18, 2018 | Back | Print

Esti Rágák – Indiai klasszikus zene szitárral és tablával

Sebastien Dreyer (Németország) és Ashish Paul (India) előadása


Helyszín: Amrita Sher-Gil Kulturális Központ, 1025 Budapest, Búzavirág u. 14.

Időpont: 2018. november 20., 18.00

Kapunyitás: 17.30

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Sebastian Dreyer azon kevés európai zenész egyike, akik tradicionális formájában tanultak indiai klasszikus zenét. Berlinben, Dzsajpurban és Kalkuttában tanult szitározni. Tanulmányai valamint ismert mestereknél tett rendszeres indiai látogatásai avatott zenésszé tették őt.

A kezdetekkor zenei tanulmányait Smt. Gisela Tarwitt irányította, akinek Pt. Ghasi Lal Sharma volt a mestere Dzsajpurban. 2003 óta Sebastian Partha Chatterjeetől tanul, Nikhil Banerjee és Ali Akbar Khan tanítványától. Emellett kiegészítő tanulmányokat is végez ismert szitárosokkal és énekesekkel, amelynek révén kialakította saját egyéni lírai stílusát.

Sebastian Berlinben tanít különböző zenei intézményekben, továbbá számos tévé-, mozi- és színházi produkcióban vesz részt, és együtt dolgozik énekesekkel, zenészekkel, táncosokkal és együttesekkel mindenféle műfajban. Rendszeres németországi fellépései mellett Indiában, Svájcban, Lengyelországban, Csehországban, Ausztriában, Indonéziában és Nagy-Britanniában is koncertezett már. Magyarországra most jön hozzánk először.


Ragas for the Evening - Indian Classical Music on Sitar and Tabla

by Sebastian Dreyer (Germany) & Ashish Paul (India)


Venue: Amrita Sher-Gil Cultural Centre, 1025 Budapest, Búzavirág u. 14.
Date & time: 20 November, 2018, 18.00
Gate opening: 17.30

Entry is free!

Attention! Please kindly fill up the registration form at the bottom of the page. Thank you!


Sebastian Dreyer is one of few European instrumentalists who picked up Indian Raga music in its traditional form. He learned the art of playing sitar in Berlin, Jaipur and Kolkata. Through studies under renowned artists as well as regular visits to India he has become an accomplished musician.

His musical training started under the tutelage of Smt. Gisela Tarwitt, who had studied with Pt. Ghasi Lal Sharma in Jaipur. Since 2003 Sebastian is studying with Partha Chatterjee, a disciple of Nikhil Banerjee and Ali Akbar Khan. Besides he had complementary classes with renowned sitar artists and vocalists and thus developed his individual, lyrical style.

Sebastian Dreyer teaches at various musical institutions in Berlin. Furthermore he has participated in several TV, cinema and theater productions and cooperates with singers, instrumentalists, dancers, and music ensembles of all genres. Besides regular performances in Germany, his concerts took him to India, Switzerland, Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, Indonesia and Great Britain.

Ashis Paul was born in Kolkata into a family of musicians. His initial training started at the age of five under the guidance of his father Shri Tapan Paul. Later he took lessons from Pandit Samir Chatterjee and Pandit Debnath Chakraborty respectively. For over 25 years now, he has been studying with the illustrious tabla maestro Pandit Anindo Chatterjee of the Farukhhabad Gharana. Ashis has earned a special place as one of the most sensitive accompanying artistes of his generation and is already a favourite with several leading musicians like Pandit Buddhadev Dasgupta, Ustad Shujaat Khan, Partha Pratim Chatterjee, Partho Sarathy, Kala Ramnath, Debashis Bhattacharya, Purbayan Chatterjee and others. Besides being a regular on All India Radio, he has featured at noted music festivals in India and abroad. These include IMG festival, Sur Singar Samsad, Bhatkhande Sangit Samaroh in Mumbai, Ballygunje Maitreyee Music Conference, Sangeet Piyasi and Anirban Foundation in Kolkata and music festivals in Delhi, Indore, Surat and Bangalore amongst others. In 2004, he participated at the North Sea Jazz Festival in South Africa as a member of the first ever Indo-African Fusion band called "Raga Afrika". He has widely travelled in Bangladesh, Japan, Australia and different European countries. He has also had the rare honour of performing in the Sydney Opera House.

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