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Gandhi Jayanti / Online webinar
On the occasion of the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, Embassy of India in contribution with Dharma Gate Buddhist College is organizing a webinar by Sopan Joshi journalist, an expert on Gandhian studies titled „Environmental Consciousness and Mahatma Gandhi’s legacy”.
The event will be held online on 29 September, 2020 at 16.30 pm (Hungarian time).
The programme aims to highlight the initiatives and lessons from Mahatma Gandhi’s life that are relevant and applicable in today’s times and that inspire our generation to be a better version of ourselves.
Everyone is most welcome to join
at the following link: https://eoibudapest.voxomos.ai/GandhiWebinar
Sopan Joshi
Reporter, Writer, Editor
Sopan Joshi is a journalist and author in New Delhi. He was born in 1973 to Usha and Prabhash Joshi in Indore, MP. He studied English literature at Delhi University. Began working in a newspaper in 1996. For about 25 years he has researched, written and edited for a variety of publications in English and Hindi. He is associated, formally and informally, with several organizations working on Mahatma Gandhi's values. He designs and conducts training programmes for teachers on social and environmental values, as also what educators can learn from Mahatma Gandhi's life. He is the author of two Hindi books for children on Gandhi, Ek Tha Mohan and Bapu Ki Pati, both published in 2018.
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, who was known to his followers by the honorific name Mahatma Gandhi (meaning “great soul”), was a lawyer, politician and spiritual leader of India, who became a key figure in the movement to achieve Indian independence through non-violent protest. He was born in the state of Gujarat in British India in 1869. He sought to achieve his aims only through peaceful means and advocated abstinence, forgiveness and love. His name is synonymous with the quest for and love of peace. In 2007 the United Nations declared Gandhi’s birthday to be the International Day of Non-Violence.
Kedves India-barátok!
2020. szeptember 29-én 16.30 órakor szeretettel várjuk Önöket egy online webinarra, amelyet az Indiai Nagykövetség A Tan Kapuja Buddhista Főiskola közreműködésével szervez Gandhi születésének évfordulója alkalmából. Az előadó Sopan Joshi újságíró, Gandhi-szakértő Indiából, aki „Környezettudatosság és Mahatma Gandhi öröksége” címmel tart előadást és beszélgetést.
Az esemény célja, hogy rávilágítson Mahátma Gandhi életének olyan kezdeményezéseire és tanításaira, amelyek ma is érvényesek és alkalmazhatóak, és amelyek ösztönzik a mi nemzedékünket is, hogy jobb emberekké válhassunk.
Mindenkit sok szeretettel várunk!
Ezen a linken lehet csatlakozni a webinarhoz: https://eoibudapest.voxomos.ai/GandhiWebinar