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Od 4. januara 2021. Amrita Sher-Gil kulturni centar pri Ambasadi Indije počinje prvi besplatni online Kurs yoge za građane i građanke Bosne i Hercegovine. Biće to obuka iz yoge i indijske kulture, s fokusom na yoga asane (položaje) i pranayamu (vježbe disanja) uz posebne časove posvećene indijskoj filozofiji, kulturi, naad yogi (terapiji zvukom) te recitiranju mantri sa značenjem. Obuku će voditi učiteljica iz BiH, Velida Tupković Salihović, koja se aktivno bavi yogom zadnjih 15 godina. Časovi će se održavati ponedjeljkom, srijedom i petkom od 17.30 do 19.00, u trajanju od 90 minuta. Također ćemo povremeno imati posebne radionice koje će voditi eksperti iz Indije. Molimo sve one koji su zainteresovani za kurs da ispune registracijski link ispod. Hvala!
From January 4th, 2021, Amrita Sher-Gil Cultural Centre, Embassy of India starts its first Free online yoga course for the residents of Bosnia & Herzegovina. The course would be on Yoga & Indian Culture, with a focus on Yogasana ( postures) and Pranayam ( breathing exercises) with some special sessions on Indian Philosophy, Indian Culture, Naad Yog ( Sound Therapy) and mantra Recitation with meaning. The Yoga Course would be conducted by local teacher Velida Tupković Salihović who has had an experience of 15 years in Yog. The classes would be online on every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 5:30-7:00 pm in a 90 minute session. There would also be some sepdial workshops by Indian experts. Those interested in the free online course can fill in the registration form below.
Velida Tupković Salihović, Yoga Instructor, BiH
The Course is in collaboration with the Bosnian Indo Friendship Society