India Hungary Dialogues

India Hungary Dialogues Episode # 3
Feb 18th, 12 pm

Zsuzsa Komjati, President, Hungarian Yoga Association

Interviewer: Melinda Irtl, Yoga Teacher, Dharma Gate Buddhist College

In Episode 3 , Melinda Irtl talks to Zsuzsa Komjati, President of Hungarian Yoga Association and discusses the development of Yoga in Hungary and its popularity. Zsuzsa Komjati also gives enlightening information about the status of yoga practitioners, yoga schools in Hungary.


India Hungary Dialogues Episode # 2
Jan, 26th, 2 pm

H.E Peter Sztaray, State Secy for Security Policy, MFAT In Conversation with H.E Kumar Tuhin, Ambassador of India in Hungary

The Episode 2 of India Hungary Dialogues showcases the dialogue betwen Ambassador Kumar Tuhin and Peter Sztaray, State Secy for Security Policy on key asepcts of bilateral trade between India & Hungary.


India Hungary Dialogues Episode # 1
Dec 18, 12 pm

Prof. Dr. Gábor Sonkoly, Dean, ELTE BTK

Interviewer: Dr. Anna Katalin Aklan, Indologist

Az interjú során bepillantást nyerhetünk Dr. Sonkoly Gábor kutatásaiba, amely során az ősi indiai filozófiát tanulmányozta. Olvasmányaiból, indiai látogatásaiból, lelki vezetőkkel való találkozásaiból merített tudása hozzájárul az egyetemi ismeretek gazdagodásához. Történész lévén a kulturális örökséget korunkra vonatkoztatott jelentőségének szempontjából vizsgálja. Véleménye szerint nagyobb figyelem és az oktatási módszetan változása szükséges ahhoz, hogy a nyelvoktatás terén is alkalmazkodni tudjunk a modern körülményekhez.

In this interview we get an insight into the deep research & study that Dr. Sonkoly has done in ancient Indian philosophy, his visits to India, his interactions with spiritual Gurus, his reads and also his passion to make the department enriched with more India related research & study. Being a historian, he also delves deeper into aspects of cultural heritage and its relevance in contemporary times. He also speaks of the demand of greater awareness and necessary changes in methods of teaching languages, to be able to adapt to modern circumstances.

Az 'India Hungary Dialogues' ('Párbeszédben India és Magyarország'), az Indiával és Magyarországgal kapcsolatos jelentős kérdésekről szóló interjúsorozat 2020. november 18-án, 8:45-kor indul az M1 csatornán, ezután pedig elérhető lesz a Nagykövetség összes online platformján is. A sorozatot India közszolgálati műsorszolgáltató csatornája, a DD News is bemutatja majd. Az első epizódban Őexc. Kumar Tuhin nagykövet és Kövér László házelnök beszélget. Tartsanak velünk !

“India Hungary Dialogues”
is an interview-based video series created by the Embassy of India to bring out salient aspects of India Hungary bilateral relations.

This video series, prepared in the format of a dialogue with accomplished Hungarian personalities and experts, covers fields such as politics, economy, education, science & technology, health, tourism, culture, yoga, etc. In each episode, the interview aims to bring out different elements that bind India and Hungary together and to make the general public aware of the significant work being undertaken in both countries to strengthen this partnership. For this, experienced researchers, professionals, etc., who have done extensive work in their respective fields have been selected to conduct these interviews with the guest personalities and to throw light on many important but perhaps yet unknown aspects of this vibrant and dynamic bilateral relationship.

“India Hungary Dialogues” is being launched on 18 November, 2020, the day of establishment of diplomatic relations between India and Hungary. Hon’ble Speaker of Hungarian National Assembly Mr. László Kövér will be inaugurating the interview series with Ambassador Kumar Tuhin during which both will engage in a riveting conversation. The series would be broadcast and disseminated on television as well as social media platforms in both Hungarian and English languages. The series would consist of twelve episodes which will be regularly released starting from 18 November 2020. The next episode will be on the topic of India Studies in Hungary and for which Dr. Gábor Sonkoly, Dean, Department of Humanities, ELTE University will be providing his insights.



Address : Budapest, Búzavirág u. 14, 1025 Hungary
Tel : (36-1) 325-7742/43
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