The Government of India has waived visa fees for applicants of Least Developed Countries (LDCs) applying for Indian Business and Employment visas. List of LDCs is given as follows:
Sl. No. | Name of the Country | Sl. No. | Name of the Country |
01. | Afghanistan | 25. | Madagascar |
02. | Angola | 26. | Malawi |
03. | Bangladesh | 27. | Mali |
04. | Benin | 28. | Mauritania |
05. | Bhutan | 29. | Mozambique |
06. | Burkina Faso | 30. | Myanmar |
07. | Burundi | 31. | Nepal |
08. | Cambodia | 32. | Niger |
09. | Central African Republic | 33. | Rwanda |
10. | Chad | 34. | Sao Tome and Principe |
11. | Comoros | 35. | Senegal |
12. | Dem. Rep. of the Congo | 36. | Sierra Leone |
13. | Djibouti | 37. | Solomon islands |
14. | Equatorial Guinea | 38. | Somalia |
15. | Eritrea | 39. | South Sudan |
16. | Ethiopia | 40. | Sudan |
17. | Gambia | 41. | Timor-Leste |
18. | Guinea | 42. | Togo |
19. | Guinea-Bissau | 43. | Tuvalu |
20. | Haiti | 44. | Uganda |
21. | Kiribati | 45. | United Rep. of Tanzania |
22. | Lao People’s Dem. Republic | 46. | Vanuatu |
23. | Lesotho | 47. | Yemen |
24. | Liberia | 48. | Zambia |