About Us Indian Community


There are about 8700 Indians living in Hungary.  Most of them are ICT professionals, while some are working in the manufacturing sector of Indo-Hungarian joint ventures and some are working in farm sector. There are about 1200 Indian students studying in various universities mostly in Budapest, Pecs, Szeged, Miskolc and Debrecen.  There are following two Indian friendship Societies:

Bharatiya Samaj of Hungary,
Visi Imre utca 12,
Budapest, Hungary, H-1089
Email: bharatiyasamajofhungary@gmail.com

Keralites in hungary
Email : yeskumar2k6@gmail.com

Bosnia and Herzegovina

About 20-25 Indians primarily working for Arcelor Mittal plant in Zenica and Ispat Coking plant in Tuzla comprise the Indian community in Bosnia and Herzegovina.  There are following two Indian friendship Societies:

Ms. Dunja Masic,
Bosnian-Indian Friendship Society
Sarajevo, Husrefa Redzica 13,
Bosnia & Herzegovina
Email : dhoonja@gmail.com

Mr. Unnikrishnan Namboothiri, President
BiH-Indian Association (BIA)
Ortijes, Staro Naselje bb,
Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Email :bihindian@gmail.com