Macroeconomic Indicators

Macroeconomic Indicators

Indicators 2010 2011
Population 1.170 billion 1.21 billion
GDP at current prices US $ 1.73 trillion US $ 1.94 trillion (estimate)
GDP at PPP (IMF) US $ 4.48 trillion US $ 4.57 trillion
Per Capita Income US $ 1146.8 US $ 1388
GDP  growth 8.4% 6.9%, expected to be 7.6 in 2012
Inflation 10.4% 8.4% (April to Jan 2012)
Merchandise Exports US$ 246 billion US$ 303.7 billion (estimate)
Merchandise Imports US$ 351 billion US$ 488.6 billion (estimate)
Foreign exchange reserves US$ 304.8 billion (March 2011) US$ 292.8billion (2012 Jan)
Global eco.engagement US$ 813 billion US$ 1 trillion estimate
Gross fiscal deficit % of GDP 4.8% 4.6% (estimate)
Exchange rates RS / USD avarage 45.56 47.7
Global exports US$ 250.5 billion US$ 303.7 billion (estimate)
Global imports US$ 381.1 billion US$ 488.6 billion (estimate)
Trade deficit USD billion US$ 130.6 billion US$ 184.9 billion (estimate)
Service exports US billion US$ 132.9 billion US$ 136 billion estimate
Software export US billion US$ 55.5 billion US$ 70 billion estimate
Service import US billion US$ 113.6 billion US$ 79 billion estimate
Total External dept Us billion US$ 261 bln 326.6 billion (Sept 2011)
External dept to GDP ratio % 15.1% 17.8% (Sept 2011)
Short term per total dept % 20.1% 21.9% (Sept 2011)
Foreign investment inflows (net) US$ 39.6 billion US$ 13.7 billion(2011 first half) estimated 34.5 bln full year 2011
FDI inflows US$ 9.4 billion US$ 12.3 blillion (2011 first half) estimated at 31 bln 2011 full year
Sectorwise growth >2010 2011
Agriculture 6,6 2,5%
Industry 7,9 3,9%
Services 9,4 9,4%
Distribution of GDP 2010 2011
Agriculture 14,4 13,9%
Industry 27,9 27%
Services 57,7% 59%
(If not stated otherwise, years indicated are financial years, ie. April-March)
Source and Further information:
Union Budget and Economic Survey:
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