About Us Visiting India Tips

Arrival & Departure Formalities Information

Foreign Nationals coming to India are required to possess a genuine and valid national passport or any other internationally recognized travel document establishing his/her nationality and identity and bearing photograph of the foreigner. Nepal and Bhutan nationals if entering India by land or air from the Nepal or Bhutan border respectively do not require a passport for entering into India. However, they are required to possess, authorized identity proof. Further if they are entering India from a place other than their own country then possession of their national passport is a must. Immigration check is conducted for all passengers, Indians or foreigners, both at the time of arrival and departure.The passports are duly stamped at time of arrival as well as departure. Passengers should be careful to see that their passports are duly stamped before leaving the immigration counter. If inadvertently, an immigration stamp is not affixed by the counter officer at the immigration check-post, the passenger may immediately contact the concerned FRRO/FRO/SSP and get the same affixed on his/her passport to avoid inconvenience at the time of next travel abroad.

Restricted / Protected Area

The Protected Areas are as follows:

  1. Parts of State of Manipur
  2. Parts of State of Mizoram
  3. Parts of State of Arunachal      Pradesh
  4. Whole of State of Nagaland
  5. Whole of State of Sikkim
  6. Parts of State of      Uttaranchal.
  7. Parts of State of Jammu and      Kashmir .
  8. Parts of State of Rajasthan.
  9. Parts of State of Himachal      Pradesh.

The Restricted Areas are as follows: -

  1. Whole of Union Territory of      Andaman and Nicobar Islands
  2. Part of the state of Sikkim

Generally speaking when a foreigner is in India then Power to issue permit to foreigners for visiting R/P areas vests with the Ministry of Home Affairs (ADDRESS: Ministry Of Home Affairs, Foreigners Division, NDCC-II Building 1st Floor, Jai Singh Road, Near NDMC Palika Kendra, New Delhi-110001).

However, FRROs have been delegated powers in respect of some specified areas for a specified period and in some specific conditions.

For a group of foreigners i.e. 2 or more for "Tourism" purpose only.

However, the Ministry of Home Affairs can issue such permit to an individual.

FRROs can issue these permits (for certain areas) only for groups of 2 or more foreigners.The foreign tourist should be accompanied with a recognized travel agent who would act as an escort.A fee of Rs. 1395/- is levied on issuance of Restricted/Protected Area Permit.

Arrival Formalities:

If the visa, for stay in India, is for more than 180 days, a Registration Certificate and Residential Permit should be obtained from the nearest Foreigners’ Registration Office (FRRO) https://boi.gov.in/content/general-instructions-registration-foreigners within 15 days of arrival. Four photographs are also required for registration. The foreigners registered at Foreigners’ Registration Office are required to report change of their addresses. All persons including Indian nationals are required to fill in a Disembarkation Card, at the time of arrival.

For the information regarding COVID-19 restrictions and formalities, kindly visit the https://www.newdelhiairport.in/covid19.

 No Satellite phones, please:
Embassy of India wishes to remind all tourists coming to India that carrying satellite phones by foreigners is prohibited and as per the existing guidelines of MHA these devices will be seized.


Departure from India:

All persons, except nationals of Bhutan & Nepal, leaving by air, road or rail have to fill in an Embarkation Card at the time of departure.The passports are duly stamped at time of arrival as well as departure. Passengers should be careful to see that their passports are duly stamped before leaving the immigration counter.


Exit Formalities

Every foreigner who is about to depart finally from India must surrender his Certificate of Registration either to the Registration Officer of the place where he is registered or of the place from where he plans to depart or to the Immigration Officer at the Port/Checkpost of exit from India. 


Visitors are generally required to make an oral baggage declaration in respect of baggage and foreign currency in their possession. They are also required to obtain the Currency Declaration Form from the Customs. They should fill in the Disembarkation Card handed over to them by the airline during the course of the flight.


There are two channels for clearance : 

 Green Channel :

For passengers not in possession of any dutiable articles or unaccompanied baggage. 


Red Channel :

For passengers with dutiable articles or unaccompanied baggage or high value articles to be entered on the tourist Baggage Re-Export Form.

Dutiable articles or unaccompanied baggage or high-value articles must be entered on a Tourist Baggage Re-Export Form (TBRE). These articles must be reexported at the time of departure. A failure to re-export anything listed on the TBRE becomes a payable duty levied for each missing item. The following duty-free possessions are permissible- clothes and jewellery, cameras and up to five rolls of film; binoculars, a portable musical instrument, a radio or portable tape recorder, a tent and camping equipment, fishing rod, a pair of skis, two tennis rackets, 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars,.95 litres of liquor, and gifts not exceeding a value of Rs. 600 (about $20). Depending on the attitude of the customs’ official, one may or may not have to enter a portable computer on a TBRE form.


Currency Allowed In India

There are no restrictions on the amount of foreign currency or travellers’ cheques a tourist may bring into India provided he makes a declaration in the Currency Declaration Form given to him on arrival. This will enable him not only to exchange the currency bought in, but also to take the unspent currency out of India on departure. Cash, bank notes and travellers’ cheques up to US$ 1,000 or equivalent, need not be declared at the time of entry. Any money in the form of travellers’ cheques, drafts, bills, cheques, etc. in convertible currencies, which tourists wish to convert into Indian currency, should be exchanged only through authorised money changers and banks who will issue an encashment certificate that is required at the time of reconversion of any unspent money into foreign currency. Exchanging of foreign currency other than banks or authorised money changers is an offense under Foreign Exchange Regulations Act 1973. 


Leaving India

Rupees are not allowed out of India. Exchanging them before you depart is the best option. Banking facilities, for the conversion of rupees into foreign currency are usually located in the same airport hall as the check-in counters.Its best to access these facilities before immigration as they are not available thereafter. All animal products, souvenirs, and trophies are subject to the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972. The export of skins made from protected wildlife species is not allowed. Such items cannot be imported into many countries, including the United States. As a general rule, avoiding such souvenirs that could be made of animal skins (except crocodile-leather goods)is best. Generally, items more than 100 years old cannot be exported without a permit from the Archaeological Survey, which has an office in Delhi. Reputable shops will provide you with the required permit or help you procure it. Items without permits will be detained by Indian Customs if they are believed to be over 100 years old. 


Embassy Information

Embassy of Hungary, New Delhi

Address: 2/50-M, Niti Marg,Chanakyapuri New Delhi – 110021

Country and local codes:(00)-(91)-(11)
Phone0091 11 2688 1135
After hours (emergency):+36-80-36-80-36
Chargé d'affaires:Dr. Karoly Sardi

Accredited in:India, Nepal, Banglades, Maldives, Sri Lanka


The international airports in the metrocities extend services ensuring that the traveller on business can continue working even during his wait for boarding an international connection, or when transferring between international flights. These facilities include restaurants, business centres, rest rooms and telephone booths. Business centres are furnished with state-of-the-art equipment including wordprocessors and telefax. Airports also offer tourist dutyfree & handicrafts shopping, snack bars, nursery and baby care rooms, and an art gallery too for art lovers. Dutyfree prices in the airport shops are very competitive, giving one bargains on international merchandise.

 Multilingual Tourist Helpline

The Ministry of Tourism, Government of India, has taken a major initiative to facilitate visits of foreign tourist visiting India.  Government has introduced a 24×7 Toll Free Multi-Lingual Tourist Help Line to facilitate visits of foreign tourist visiting India.

The 24×7 Toll Free Multi-Lingual Tourist Help Line is launched in 12 International Languages namely, Arabic, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Chinese Portuguese, Russian and Spanish including Hindi & English. This service is available on toll free number 1800111363 or on a short code 1363 and operational 24X7 (365 days in a year) offering a “multi-lingual helpdesk”. The objective of this multi-lingual helpline is to provide information relating to travel and tourism in India to the domestic and international tourists. The helpline also advises callers during the times of distress, if any, while travelling in India and alerts the concerned authorities, if required.  This is a unique endeavour by Government of India which gives the foreign tourists a sense of safety and security during their travel in India.