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2017. február 28-án először láthatunk indiai hegedűművészeket az Amrita Sher-Gil Kulturális Központban: ‘A Hegedű Királynői’ – Dr M. Lalitha és M. Nandini érkeznek Magyarországra. Tablán kíséri őket Pt Rajesh Gangani, a Kulturális Központ tablaművésze és tanára.
Helyszín: Amrita Sher-Gil Kulturális Központ (1025 Budapest, Búzavirág u. 14.)
Időpont: 2017. február 28., 18.00.
Kapunyitás: 17.30
Figyelem! A belépés ingyenes, helyfoglalás érkezési sorrendben.
Mindenkit szeretettel várunk!
Dr M Lalitha és M Nandini
A nemzetközileg elismert hegedűművészeket, Dr. M. Lalitha-t és M. Nandini-t úgy emlegetik, mint a ‘Hegedű Királynői’-t. Két nővér – két kiváló zenész, akik elbűvölik közönségüket varázslatos zenéjükkel. Az egyetlen ázsiai duóként tartják számon őket, akik világzenét, dél-indiai klasszikus zenét, fúziót és nyugati klasszikus zenét is játszanak. Az “LN Nővérek” egy nagyhírű karnatikus zenét játszó család negyedik generációjának tagjai. Sokoldalúságuk és tehetségük számos zenei stílusban megmutatkozik. Sikerük mestereiknek is köszönhető: Sathguru Sri Santhananda Swamigalon kívül nagyapjuknak, V. Lakshminarayananak és szüleiknek, K. Muthuswamynak és M. Subbulakshminak. Az LN nővérek amellett, hogy egy különleges zenei hagyomány fáklyavivői, kifejlesztették saját, jól megkülönböztethető stílusukat is.
Legutóbbi együttműködésük nagybátyjukkal, a kétszeres Grammy-díjas hegedűmesterrel, DR L Shenkarral nagy tetszést aratott.
A tamilnadui kormánytól megkapták a Kalaimamani címet, amely a legmagasabb zenei és előadóművészeti elismerés Dél-Indiában.

We heartily invite all lovers of Indian music and violin to a performance of the `Queens of Violin’ – Dr. M. Lalitha and M. Nandini on 28 February, 2017 at 18.00 in the Auditorium of Amrita Sher-Gil Cultural Centre. Accompanying artist is Pt Rajesh Gangani on Tabla (Tabla teacher of Amrita Sher-Gil Cultural Centre).
Date and time: 28 February2017, 18.00 hrs
Venue: 1025 Budapest, Búzavirág u. 14.
Gate opening: 17.30 hrs
Entry is free! Seat on first-come-first-served basis.
Everyone is most welcome!
About LN Sisters Dr M Lalitha and M Nandini
Internationally acclaimed Violin Maestros Dr. M. LALITHA and M. NANDINI have been widely applauded as the `QUEENS OF VIOLIN’ – Weekend of the present generation. Popularly known as the `VIOLIN SISTERS’, these outstanding musicians have enthralled the audiences with their spell binding music and have been acclaimed as the “ONLY FEMALE DUO IN ASIA to perform the World music, South Indian Classical, Fusion and Western Classical music” – Le Mauricien. Dr.M.Lalitha and M.Nandini known as LN Sisters represent the fourth generation of an illustrious family of Carnatic musicians. They are well known for their versatility and talent in South Indian Classical, World, Fusion and Western Classical music. Regarded as trendsetters in refined violin playing, they attribute their success to their Sathguru Sri Santhananda Swamigal, their grandfather V.Lakshminarayana and their parents K.Muthuswamy and M.Subbulakshmi.To quote the renowned music critic Subbudu “`Music runs in their blood, they must have played music even when they were in their mother’s womb. ” LN sisters are the torch bearers of a unique musical tradition but yet have evolved a distinct style of their own.
Their recent collaboration with their uncle twice grammy award winning Double violin Maestro DR L Shenkar have won them much acclaim.
Artistic Collaborations
The talented Violin duo sisters apart from performing Violin duets have also collaborated with musicians representing different genres of music including their Uncle and Guru Legendary Violinist Dr. L. Shenkar – Double violin, Mike Albert of Megadeth fame, Grammy award winning Violinist Paul Peabody, Ustad Shahid Parvez, George Brooks, Miguel Chachowski, Carl Rathus, Fazal Qureshi, Pirpauke – Finnish band, Homayoun Sakhi – Rebab (Afganistan), Abbos Kosimov – Doyra (Uzbhekistan), Ricardo Averbach – Conductor Miami State Orchestra, Sameer Chaterji, Boschbela String Orchestra, SA, Tiruvalaputhur T. A. Kaliyamurthy, Tirupungur Muthukumaraswamy, Ronu Majumdar, Tarun Bhattacharya, Mannargudi Vasudevan, Abhijeeth Banerjee, Purbhayan Chaterjee, Quatre Bonne String Orchestra, Mauritius, Jazz Musician Reisa, Gaurav Majumdar, Tenor Boys to name a few.
ONLY FEMALE DUO IN ASIA to perform the World music, South Indian Classical, Fusion and Western Classical music.
FIRST INDIAN FEMALE VIOLINIST to perform at the Houses of Parliament, Westminister, United Kingdom for the Commonwealth PSU.
Lalitha and Nandini are the pioneers to introduce and perform the Carnatic Music in the University of London.
Awarded the highly coveted INTERNATIONAL FELLOWSHIPS of Fulbright from USA and the Charles Wallace Fellowships from United Kingdom in performing Arts. FIRST INDIAN MUSICIAN SISTERS to receive these fellowships.
First Indian Female Musicians to perform in the Quatre Bonne Conservatoire, Mauritius.
Faculty in the very prestigious World Music Summer School, England.
Invited to present a unique program to commemorate the 50th year Golden Jubilee Celebrations of Indian Independence.
Awarded the prestigious title of `KALAIMAMANI’ which is the Highest Honour in Music and Performing Arts conferred by the State Government of Tamil Nadu.
BEST SENIOR VIOLINIST from both the Madras Music Academy and the Indian Fine Arts Society,Chennai on the same year.
FIRST female violinists to have the Thavil as an accompanying instrument in a Carnatic Music Concert (Violin Duet)
FIRST female violinists to perform Fusion Concerts combining Carnatic Music, Western Classical Music and World Music (Egyptian, Arabic, Russian, American, Irish, Norwegian, Jazz, Blues, Spanish etc.)
Experts in the fields of Musicology and Ethnomusicology.
Albums in the TOP 1 Rating.
FIRST INDIAN VIOLIN DUO to perform in the Opera House, Port of Elizabeth, SA.
Presented concerts along with the Tavil and Ghatam which rates them as the pioneers in having these accompanying instruments.
FIRST INDIAN WOMEN CONDUCTOR from South India to have Conducted the Boschbela string orchestra, South Africa.
Invited to present concert for the India Week Festival, Hamburg.