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Modification of the OCI card scheme

April 19, 2018

Embassy of India

Modification of the OCI card scheme – Dispensing with ‘U’ Visa sticker


1.     Ministry of Home Affairs of the Government of India has issued a circular No. 26011/06/2015 – OCI dated 29th January, 2015 regarding dispensing with the requirement of ‘U’ visa sticker on the foreign passport of an Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) cardholder with immediate effect and modifying  the OCI registration certificate with an endorsement “Visa validity – Lifelong”.

2.      As per procedure till date, the OCI documents consisted of an OCI Registration Booklet and a multiple lifelong ‘U’ (Universal) Visa sticker which was pasted on the foreign passport of applicants eligible for issue of an OCI card. It was mandatory for registered OCIs to carry their passports containing ‘U’ visa and the OCI registration certificate for entry into/ exit from India.

3.     From now on, registered OCI cardholders would need to carry their valid foreign passport and the OCI Registration Certificate for entry/exit from India. Immigration authorities in the Immigration Checkposts (ICPs) have been requested not to insist on production of the foreign passport containing the ‘U’ visa sticker in the case of OCI cardholders while they enter/exit India and the immigration clearance may be granted based on production of the OCI card and a valid passport.

4.     All existing OCI cardholders and new applicants for an OCI card are requested to take note of the aforementioned changes.

5.     In case of queries, applicants/existing cardholders may send an email to the following for clarification:-

Vijay Khanduja, First Secretary (Com/Cons) –

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